I have roots in Ohio and Kentucky and spend a lot of time in both states. Here are my blog posts about Ohio and Kentucky Hiking.

Sheltowee Trace Section Hike, July 5-12, 2020

I hiked about 85 miles of the 340-mile Sheltowee Trace in July of 2020, from the northern terminus to the Red River Gorge. I wrote a blog post for each day of the hike. Find them here:

Day 1: July 5 / Day 2: July 6 / Day 3: July 7/ Day 4: July 8 / Day 5: July 9 / Day 6: July 10 / Day 7: July 11 / Day 8: July 12

Zaleski State Forest Backpacking Loop, October 28-30, 2020

Day 1: October 28 / Day 2: October 29 / Day 3: October 30 / Zaleski Epilogue: A Small Quest

Fields of Mertensia virginica, Virginia bluebell, at Wolsing Woods

Other Ohio and Kentucky Hiking Posts


Shawnee State Forest, October 2019


Shawnee State Park: The Sequel

Exploring at Home

On Breathing

A Little Hike in Yellow Springs

A Satisfying Hike in Clear Creek Metro Park

Wildcat Hollow

Hocking Hills


Mishaps Make an Adventure: Paint Creek State Park, January 5, 2021

Great Seal State Park: March 5

Great Seal State Park Part 2: Signs of Spring – March 19

Tar Hollow State Park: April 26 and May 2-3

A Detour to Fort Ancient Earthworks and Nature Preserve

Shawnee Lookout: A Great Park in the Cincinnati Metro Area

Lost in Time at Cedar Bog

On Winter, Change, and Loving the Trail

Trying to Listen to the Stronger Pull