Why I’m Not Buying a Ton of New Gear for the PCT

Hikers love talking about gear. I think the only thing we might love more than talking about gear is buying new gear. Believe me, I understand the impulse to purchase a whole new kit before another thru-hike. It's exciting to look back on past hikes and to tinker with the setup, upgrade items to newer …

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JMT training: a short saga (with pictures!)

I've been training like crazy for the JMT. This is mainly because I see this trail as having so many inherent hazards this year (e.g., snow on high passes, swollen creek crossings, mosquitoes by the bushel, to name a few), and I do not want my fitness (or lack thereof) to be added into this …

Continue reading JMT training: a short saga (with pictures!)

3 reasons why I am hiking the John Muir Trail (or, why type 2 fun is the best kind of fun)

Reason #1: "Fun" I ran cross country all four years of high school. In the summer, as soon as the conference rules allowed us to practice, we met five times a week at 7 in the morning for runs that ranged from short-distance speed training to long, grueling, sweaty Kentucky 12-milers. When I started I …

Continue reading 3 reasons why I am hiking the John Muir Trail (or, why type 2 fun is the best kind of fun)